Friday, May 9, 2008

~ my peSt : *ambipure* ~

(*ambipure* - not his real name. name has been changed to protect his privacy)

I said I do not want to blog because if I do blog about funny stuff, all my blog will be centred around him. I do not want to do the 'panjang-lebar' blog because i want to limit my grammatical and spelling errors, and i haven't been blogging for a while - skill getting rusty.. or should i say, i got rusty!

Situation 1 - class was dead quiet. Ambipure can't stand the silence and he had to do this:
Ambipure : Say a joke. (talking to me).
Me : Sure. One word. "Ambipure"
Whole class laughed.

Situation 2 - we're talking about malay's names - sharifah, wan, syed, puteri etc
Ambipure : All the eldest in the family is called WAN is it?
Me : Yeah, the second child we call TWO.
'Apa lagi?' The class erupted.

Situation 3 - Ambipure being mischievious and not doing his work, so I 'konk' his head.
Me : Do your work and don't say that famous statement of yours. You don't have it!
Ambipure : Don't hit me. "Kill brain cells" (that's the statement I forbade him to say)
Class - laughed hysterically.
Me : Told you not to stay it.
Ambipure : (look blur blur) say what?!

For the record, Ambipure lost RM1300+ betting with me.
I 'kira' it's 'hutang lapuk' already.
And yet, he had the decency to say to me "Wanna Bet?" almost every other day.

More, but can't really remember the details now.

Well, that's my ***Ambipure***.